If you are planning to make a gift at the end of the year to support the ministry of Queen Anne Lutheran
Church, the information listed below may help you with your planning and ease some of your stress:

Closing of Financial Secretary’s Record of Giving

To be included on 2014 Giving Statements, contributions for the 2014 tax year must be in the church office by 2 PM, Wednesday, December 31. Offering envelopes mailed to the church office must have a postmark date of December 31 or before to be included on the 2014 Statement of Giving. IRS regulations do not allow for any checks or gifts, received or postmarked after December 31, 2014, to be recorded as a contribution for 2014.

Would You Prefer to Simplify Your Giving?

Queen Anne Lutheran now accepts online donations. The “Donate Now” button will take you to a secure server using PAYPAL where you can make a donation through an electronic fund transfer, debit card or credit card.

Looking ahead to 2015, please consider using ”Simply Giving.” This is an electronic transfer (EFT) program that provides a safe and simple way to make automatic payments from your checking or savings accounts to QALC. This helps QALC by ensuring that your offering is received, even when you may be unable to make an offering in person. Additionally, the more predictable income helps QALC pay its regular recurring bills like utilities, insurance, and salaries. Other benefits include less chance for error and saving paper. To enroll or change your EFT authorization, simply contact Ken Hockman our Financial Secretary or pick up a brochure from the Finance Committee bulletin board in the Sacristy hallway.

Gifts of Stock

Another piece of information you may find useful. Queen Anne Lutheran is also able to accept gifts of stock in lieu of cash contributions. In some situations this may yield tax advantages to the donor. While QALC’s Treasurer and Finance Committee members are not qualified to provide tax advice, we can provide you with the information you need for making a gift of stock. See the Finance Committee bulletin board for details or speak to the Treasurer, Myra Dittes.