Stewardship means sharing not just our “treasure,” but also our time and our talents!

With what gifts have you been blessed? How do you see yourself participating in our faith community?
As we look towards the coming church year, we want to make sure all of the diverse talents represented in this congregation are identified, celebrated and given opportunity to serve the life and mission of the church.

We have created a survey that asks you first what skills, talents and gifts you bring to the table, and then, how you would like to use your gifts to participate in the life of this community. Please take time in thought and prayer to fill out the pages ahead.


The original survey window is finished, but we are still interested in receiving results from you!

If you respond to this survey, please email the church office to let us know.
We will enter your talents into our database and communicate your interests to the appropriate people.

If you prefer to fill out a paper form, email the church office and request one. Thank you for sharing yourself and your gifts with our congregation!