Queen Anne Lutheran Church works with many nonprofits in our community to reach out to those in need. Our members give their time, as well as donations of goods, building use, and money. The following is a list of organizations we work with on an ongoing basis. You are welcome to help us in our work! Contact the church office to find out more.

New Horizons Ministries
New Horizons provides food and shelter to unhoused youth in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle. Our church provides a meal to their approximately 40 guests every “fifth Friday” throughout the year. We also offer financial support and conduct occasional clothing and care item drives during the year.

Queen Anne Helpline
QAHL provides financial and basic needs assistance to seniors, families and individuals facing hardship or short-term crises. QALC has provided financial assistance, and has made our facilities available and provided volunteers for the annual July QAHL Crown of Queen Anne Run-Walk (“Run for Home”).

Community Lunch on Capitol Hill
Each Tuesday in November we supply and serve meals for about 250 hungry people, working in three shifts between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. About ten volunteers needed each day.

Lutheran World Relief
Twice a year we have an ingathering of dozens of quilts that have been created by our members, principally of the Women’s group. Some have made as many as 25 or 30 in a six-month period! The Women’s group and Men’s group also gather school, personal and baby care kits. Members have assisted in loading the goods on a truck in Ballard for shipment, principally for destinations for destinations in Africa. We also provide financial assistance to LWR annually.

Queen Anne Food Bank @ Sacred Heart— 
Ballard Food Bank—
We give financial help and occasionally conduct food drives for area food banks.