Lily Flowers

Easter Lilies for one another

This year, some of the donated lilies may be given as gifts to homebound members of our congregation. Extra lilies will be used to decorate the altar and narthex for Easter, and donors who like may take one home after worship that Sunday—first come, first served.
If you’d like to donate a lily, please fill out the form below before Tuesday, March 26, 2024.
If you are giving the lily in honor or memory of someone, please note that on the form below.
Your name and the names of those you choose to commemorate with your gift will be noted in the church bulletin for our Easter service.
After submitting the form, please donate to cover the cost of $12.00 per plant.
Mail us a check made out to QALC and marked “Easter Lily,” or go to our “GIVE” page and scroll down to the yellow “Donate” button to make a PayPal donation— please stipulate that it’s for Easter Lilies.