Feed your neighbors!

Nov. 3-Dec. 11, 2019
Food Drive at QALC

You’re welcome to buy items and/or collect food in your neighborhood, and then drop your donations off in marked containers in the narthex. This month we are collecting for the food pantry at Immanuel Lutheran Church in South Lake Union. Here is what the local Food Bank needs:

Most needed are any non-perishables, but especially non-perishable PROTEINS.

For example:

– Bagged meat or seafood jerky or sausage sticks

– Canned salmon, chicken, tuna, and beans

– Ready-to-eat stew, like beef stew, chili with meat, and pasta with protein.

– Ready-to-eat soups (not concentrated types that need water).

The food is sometimes eaten outside with no place to prepare. Buy something that sounds good to YOU, even if it was eaten cold.

Some of our neighbors are in great need, so thanks for remembering them during this season when we’re grateful for our abundance.

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