Lent at Queen Anne Lutheran

ASH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5Worship with imposition of ashes is offered at noon in the chapel and at 7:30 PM in the sanctuary


Saturday, March 8—LENTEN BREAKFAST
The Women of QALCW invite you to this annual event at 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Paul Hoffman, no stranger to Queen Anne, will be the guest speaker. Paul’s first book, Stations of the Cross, will form the basis of our morning together. Copies of the book are available in advance —contact Cathi Unseth. Paul’s time with us promises to offer fresh theology regarding Good Friday, laid alongside both traditional and contemporary artwork. We’ll also enjoy informal worship with Communion, a brief business meeting, and a delicious breakfast.

Wednesday Noon in Lent—CHAPEL WORSHIP
Join us for a noon service in the chapel each Wednesday, March 12 through April 9
Mid-day, mid-week—a pivot-point of prayer for you.

Collaborative Lenten Series with Ballard First Lutheran

Locations will alternate. BFL is at 20th Ave. NW & NW 65th St.; QALC is at 8th Ave. W. and W. McGraw St.
All are welcome on Wednesday evenings in Lent.
Our topic for this season will be “On Tyranny: Faith, Fear, and our Future.”
During our time together, we will put our personal experiences of faith and fear in conversation with Timothy Snyder’s On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

15 Copies of On Tyrannyare available for those who wish to read it as we proceed. Sign up for your free copy in the narthex if you are interested (we are waiting for more books to arrive).
Also available in the narthex:  Feel free to pick up a 40-day personal Lenten devotional. It incorporates readings from On Tyrannyinterlaced with passages from the Book of Acts. Created by Pastor Erick Wilson-Weiberg, BFL.

The program will include:
6:00 — A simple supper
6:30 — Topic and discussion
7:15 — Brief worship

Locations for our Lenten gatherings:
March 12—at Ballard First Lutheran (Haavik Hall)
March 19—at Queen Anne Lutheran (Fellowship Hall)
March 26—at Ballard First Lutheran
April 02—at Queen Anne Lutheran
April 09—at Ballard First Lutheran

Holy Week at Queen Anne Lutheran


Palm Sunday Worship: 8:00 and 10:30 AM, Sunday April 13
Come early to the 10:30 service outside in the courtyard and enjoy the “free-ring” of handbells by adults and kids alike as the congregation moves from there to the nave while singing “All Glory, Laud and Honor.”

Good Friday Worship: 7:30 PM, Friday April 18
Our Good Friday worship service invites us into contemplation of the crucifixion through word, song, and silence.
Please join us as we ponder together the cross and its meaning for us.

Easter Worship: 8:00 and 10:30 AM, Sunday April 20
Special music from organ and choir help celebrate the joy of Easter.
Bring flowers to add to our Easter Floral Cross!
Come to our Easter Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall from 9 to 10 AM

Holy Week Easter Lilies Bring Cheer and Commemorate Loved Ones
We have a tradition now of visiting our isolated members with a lily plant just before Easter (and with a poinsettia in Advent as well.) Extra plants are used to decorate the altar that Sunday, and donors may take them home on a first-come, first served basis after worship. Donations are noted in our Easter bulletin, along with the names of those the donors would like to commemorate with their gift.