SUMMER is a time to spin outward, taking trips, seeing family and interacting in new ways with the community. Queen Anne Lutheran does that, too! We hope you feel a welcome invitation to connect with our community this summer.

Four Wednesdays, August 7, 14, 21, and 28: Join us each Wednesday in the chapel at 7 PM for a 20-minute service of Holden Evening Prayer—a modern adaptation of the ancient Vespers service with singing and reflection.


Two Wednesday evenings! On August 7 and 21 at 5:30, we invite friends and neighbors to come celebrate summer on the front lawn. Absolutely everyone is welcome! It’s FREE! Music will be provided by a Garfield High School Jazz Combo. Bring your own sack dinner; we provide FREE Root Beer Floats. Bring a blanket; we’ll also have chairs and tables.  Music from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. At 7pm, those who wish to can move inside the chapel for a short prayer service using a beautiful and simple sung liturgy from Holden Village.


This summer, wherever you find yourself, make time to worship…
We know in summer, we can’t always all be here. We get caught up in all sorts of fun activities – ball games and cook-outs, hiking, biking, day trips, weddings and vacations. We encourage you to participate in worship even when you travel.

…and make it a practice also to continue your support.
One side effect of our busy summer schedules is that as we fall out of the rhythm of regular worship attendance, church offerings tend to decline during the summer months. So while you are having fun in the sun, please help Queen Anne Lutheran avoid the “summer slump” and continue to financially support your church.

Just a reminder . . . Queen Anne Lutheran has the ability to receive gifts electronically. The “Donate” button, below, will take you to a secure server using PAYPAL where you can make a donation through an electronic fund transfer, debit card or credit card.

Or sign up for “electronic giving” where offerings are transferred automatically from checking and savings accounts.  This can be arranged on semi-monthly or monthly basis. go HERE for complete information.

Of course, givers can always mail in their contributions to cover the Sundays that you will be away.